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Temporal SDK metrics reference

SDK metrics

The information on this page is relevant to Temporal SDKs.

See Cloud metrics for metrics emitted by Temporal Cloud.

See Cluster metrics for metrics emitted by the OSS Cluster.

Some SDKs may emit metrics beyond what is listed in this SDK Metrics reference. Only metrics included in this Metrics reference have guaranteed, defined behavior. Other metrics are considered deprecated, inconsistent or experimental.

The Temporal SDKs emit a set of metrics from Temporal Client usage and Worker Processes.

All metrics are prefixed with temporal_ before being exported to their configured destination. (The prefix has been removed in the following reference.) Currently, some metrics are specific to certain SDKs.

TypeScript, Python, and .NET SDKs metrics are defined in the Core SDK.

PHP and Go metrics are defined in the Go SDK.

Java metrics are defined in the Java SDK Metrics are defined in the following locations.

Metric units across SDKs

The unit of measurement for metrics can vary based on which SDK they are being reported from:

Core-based SDKs: Metrics of the type Histogram are measured in milliseconds by default. This can be customized to use seconds for SDKs using Core SDK. The Core SDK is a shared common core library used by several Temporal SDKs, including TypeScript, Python, and .NET.

Java and Go SDKs: Metrics of the type Histogram are measured in seconds.

Each metric may have some combination of the following keys attached to them:

  • task-queue: Task Queue that the Worker Entity is polling
  • namespace: Namespace the Worker is bound to
  • poller_type: One of the following:
    • workflow_task
    • activity_task
    • nexus_task (Go and Java only)
    • sticky_workflow_task
  • worker_type: One of the following:
    • ActivityWorker
    • WorkflowWorker
    • LocalActivityWorker (Go and Java only)
    • NexusWorker (Go and Java only)
  • activity_type: The name of the Activity Function the metric is associated with
  • workflow_type: The name of the Workflow Function the metric is associated with
  • operation: RPC method name; available for metrics related to Temporal Client gRPC requests

Some keys may not be available in every SDK, and Histogram metrics may have different buckets in each SDK.

Metric nameEmitted byMetric typeAvailability
activity_execution_failedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
activity_execution_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
activity_poll_no_taskWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
activity_schedule_to_start_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
activity_succeed_endtoend_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
corrupted_signalsWorkerCounterGo, Java
local_activity_execution_cancelledWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
local_activity_execution_failedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
local_activity_execution_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
local_activity_succeeded_endtoend_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
local_activity_totalWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
long_requestService ClientCounterCore, Go, Java
long_request_failureService ClientCounterCore, Go, Java
long_request_latencyService ClientHistogramCore, Go, Java
poller_startWorkerCounterGo, Java
requestService ClientCounterCore, Go, Java
request_failureService ClientCounterCore, Go, Java
request_latencyService ClientHistogramCore, Go, Java
sticky_cache_hitWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
sticky_cache_missWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
sticky_cache_sizeWorkerGaugeCore, Go, Java
sticky_cache_total_forced_evictionWorkerCounterGo, Java
worker_startWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
worker_task_slots_availableWorkerGaugeCore, Go, Java
workflow_cancelledWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_completedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_continue_as_newWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_endtoend_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
workflow_failedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_execution_failedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_execution_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_queue_poll_emptyWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_queue_poll_succeedWorkerCounterCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_replay_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
workflow_task_schedule_to_start_latencyWorkerHistogramCore, Go, Java
nexus_poll_no_taskWorkerCounterGo, Java
nexus_task_schedule_to_start_latencyWorkerHistogramGo, Java
nexus_task_execution_failedWorkerCounterGo, Java
nexus_task_execution_latencyWorkerHistogramGo, Java
nexus_task_endtoend_latencyWorkerHistogramGo, Java


An Activity Execution was canceled.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


An Activity Execution failed. This does not include local Activity Failures in the Go and Java SDKs (see local_activity_execution_failed).

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


Time to complete an Activity Execution, from the time the Activity Task is generated to the time the language SDK responded with a completion (failure or success).

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


An Activity Worker poll for an Activity Task timed out, and no Activity Task is available to pick from the Task Queue.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


The Schedule-To-Start time of an Activity Task in seconds. A Schedule-To-Start Timeout can be set when an Activity Execution is spawned. This metric is useful for ensuring Activity Tasks are being processed from the queue in a timely manner. Some SDKs may include the activity_type label, but the metric should not vary by type, as it does not influence the rate at which tasks are pulled from the queue.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


Total latency of successfully finished Activity Executions from the time they are scheduled to the time they are completed. This metric is not recorded for async Activity completion.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


An internal error or panic occurred during Activity Task handling or execution.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go,
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


Number of Signals whose payload could not be deserialized.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Local Activity Execution was canceled.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


A Local Activity Execution failed.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


Time to complete a Local Activity Execution, from the time the first Activity Task is generated to the time the SDK responds that the execution is complete.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


Total latency of successfully finished Local Activity Executions (from schedule to completion).

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


Total number of Local Activity Executions.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue


Temporal Client made an RPC long poll request.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


Temporal Client made an RPC long poll request that failed. This number is included into the total long_request counter for long poll RPC requests.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


Latency of a Temporal Client gRPC long poll request.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


Current number of Worker Entities that are polling.

  • Type: Gauge
  • Available in: Core
  • Tags: namespace, poller_type, task_queue


A Worker Entity poller was started.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


Temporal Client made an RPC request.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


Temporal Client made an RPC request that failed. This number is included into the total request counter for RPC requests.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


Latency of a Temporal Client gRPC request.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, operation


A Workflow Task found a cached Workflow Execution Event History to run against.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


A Workflow Task did not find a cached Workflow Worker.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


Current cache size, expressed in number of Workflow Executions.

  • Type: Gauge
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace (TypeScript, Java), task_queue (TypeScript)


A Workflow Execution has been forced from the cache intentionally.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


A request to spawn an Activity Execution is not registered with the Worker.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go,
  • Tags: activity_type, namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Worker Entity has been registered, created, or started.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, worker_type


The total number of Workflow Task and Activity Task execution slots that are currently available. Use the worker_type key to differentiate execution slots. (Workflow Workers execute Workflow Tasks; Activity Workers execute Activity Tasks.)

  • Type: Gauge
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, worker_type


Total amount of Workflow threads in the Worker Process.

  • Type: Gauge
  • Available in: Java


Workflow Execution ended because of a cancellation request.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Workflow Execution completed successfully.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Workflow ended with Continue-As-New.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


Total Workflow Execution time from schedule to completion for a single Workflow Run. (A retried Workflow Execution is a separate Run.)

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Workflow Execution failed.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Workflow Task Execution failed.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


Workflow Task Execution time.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


A Workflow Worker polled a Task Queue and timed out without picking up a Workflow Task.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


A Workflow Worker polled a Task Queue and successfully picked up a Workflow Task.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


Time to catch up on replaying a Workflow Task.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, workflow_type


The Schedule-To-Start time of a Workflow Task.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


A Nexus Worker poll for a Nexus Task timed out, and no Nexus Task is available to pick from the Task Queue.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue


The Schedule-To-Start time of a Nexus Task in seconds. The schedule time is taken from when the corresponding request hit the Frontend service to when the SDK started processing the task.

This time is limited by the Request-Timeout header given to the Frontend when handling this request.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Core, Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, nexus_service, nexus_operation


Handling of a Nexus Task resulted in an error. This includes any error returned from a user handler and unexpected internal errors in the SDK.

  • Type: Counter
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, nexus_service, nexus_operation


Time to complete a Nexus Task, from the time the Nexus Task processing starts in the SDK to the time the user handler completes.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, nexus_service, nexus_operation


Total latency of Nexus Tasks from the time the corresponding request hit the Frontend to after the SDK gets acknowledgment from the server for task completion.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Available in: Go, Java
  • Tags: namespace, task_queue, nexus_service, nexus_operation